About the NSBE Seattle Professionals

Our NSBE Professional Seattle group consists of hundreds of professional Black engineers with passions to imbue our community with resources to excel academically in STEM fields, to expose young Black children to the plethora of fields available in STEM and to provide a platform that breaks the misconception of Black children and adults alike, of those in STEM. Although we are the steering committee of our group, it is a coordinated effort between our members and steering committee that drive what we do and how we do it. We, simply, provide the opportunity.

Many in our community are accustomed to marking their own trail and blazing their own path. Instead of toiling on a heuristic path of hurdles and hardships, we encourage young Black high school, college students and professionals to join a network and support group of thousands of Black engineers across the nation that envelops our NSBE mission.

Seattle Professional’s Chapter was officially incorporated in January of 2023. Seattle Professionals of NSBE is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All solicited funds collected by the organization are 100% tax deductible and can be filed as such. Our tax ID (EIN) Number is 92-1108021.

NSBE At The National Level

The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is an international non-profit organization with over 500 chapters across the country. From the junior/pre-collegiate, collegiate to the professional level, NSBE is an all-inclusive organization, welcoming members of any creed, culture, race, or ethnicity who support the NSBE Mission.  
